Our Commitment to Transparency, Quality and Safety
The quality and safety of our foods is our top priority. Our products – and the ingredients we use to make them – comply with all applicable relevant laws and regulations in the U.S. and Canada.
We do not use red dye no. 3 in any of our cereals.
The colors we use in our cereals have been deemed safe by scientific bodies around the world looking at the totality of research. Additionally, the FD&C colors we use in our foods in the U.S. are classified as “certified,” meaning they are required to undergo certification by the FDA every time a new batch is manufactured.
We also know that each market is different and that consumers have different preferences and expectations of our brands, so we offer a wide variety of options. For example, there is better reception to some of our cereal recipes that utilize natural-color alternatives within the Canadian market, than in the U.S. It is also worth noting that the FD&C colors we use are permitted in Canada.
Like other food companies, we offer a portfolio of choice which we are always evaluating and evolving to meet consumers’ dietary needs, their ingredient and taste preferences, as well as to ensure regulatory compliance. For example, our cereals provide at least one nutrient that consumers fall short of including fiber, Vitamin D, iron and folate. Over time, our foods have evolved and today more than 70% of our cereal sales have less than 50 calories from added sugar, and 85% of our cereal sales do not contain FD&C colors.
For more information, please visit Color Additives - Information for Consumers | FDA, Food Additives - Canada.ca, International Association of Color Manufacturers and Consumer Brands Association.